The 2024 season has started!

Enjoy racing along side the Sheboygan Yacht Club boats on Wednesday nights. The Sonars will have their own division on Wednesday Night Races, sailing with jib and main only.

The Rules:

  1. The skipper must be a member of SEAS and have a check-out done before the first race of the series. We encourage crew members to join as well and help support our programs.

  2. Registration for the June Series opens on May 17th. Registration for the following series opens on the last Wednesday of the month.

  3. There are 8 Sonars available for racing on a first come, first serve basis. If more than 8 skippers sign up, there will be a waitlist. People on the waitlist will have preference to sign up for the next series. This way we can make sure everyone can race!

  4. Every person on the boat must sign a waiver for the season.

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