• Sheboygan Yacht Club (map)
  • 214 Pennsylvania Ave
  • Sheboygan, WI
  • United States

This is the US Sailing Sanctioned Hands-On Only training

For safety and for the training to have the most impact, you will see we have a list of requirements below.

1) You MUST have completed Parts 1 and 2 (Units 1-15) of US Sailing's
Online Training. People who have International Offshore Safety at Sea
certificates from 2011 or later are exempt from Part 1. Please don't
leave this until the last minute -- it will take you 15-19 hours to
complete the two parts.
You can buy Parts 1 and 2, units 1-15 at

And, only if exempt from taking part 1, Part 2, units 11-15 at

OR You must have completed the one-day in person Safety at Sea: Offshore course and show proof of completion


2) You MUST have an inflatable PFD for use in the pool. We suggest that
you also bring your tethers.

We urge you to bring the actual PFD that you will use at sea. There
are several reasons for this. You should be most familiar with the one
you will use. Repacking is an important skill and should be done annually regardless of this course. This is better than pulling your PFD out of the closet where it has been for two years and using it at sea.

3) You also need to bring foul weather gear, including shoes or boots,
to have an authentic abandon ship exercise in the pool. Bring a set of clothes to wear under the foulies into the pool and a towel. The goal is to dress realistically. Have spare clothes to change into.

4) The flares and firefighting are outdoors on the shore of Lake Michigan, for 40 minutes each and you will be walking between venues. Dress appropriately for April in Wisconsin.

5) You should plan on arriving by 0730. There will be coffee and donut
holes. Lunch in the Sheboygan Yacht Club is provided or you are welcome to bring your own lunch. The last class ends at 1645 after which you may leave or stick around for Q&A.

To register for this event visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/546386244967

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